четверг, 3 октября 2013 г.

1934 Leica VS 1954 Zorki. Camera test.

I was taking photos at the same time using three cameras:

1954 Zorki with Industar-22 50мм red "P" 1:3,5 lens (click to see it on ebay)

Leica 1934 with Summar 50mm f 1:2 lens (click to see it on ebay)

and Nikon Coolpix P7000, also used as a light meter
C-41 Fuji film S-200, scanner HP G3110 (scaned at 600 dpi using 2x magnification)

Click to enlarge:

Zorki 11/500  

Zorki  11/500 
Zorki  11/500  

Zorki 3,5/100

Zorki  3,5/20  

Zorki 3,5/30

Zorki 3,5 - 1/2 sec

Leica  12,5/500
Sun light daytime test

Leica  9/500
Leica  9/500

Leica 3,2/100

Leica  3,2/20 
Low light interior

Leica  3,2/30  
Night time

Leica 2 - 1/2 sec
Bokeh test

Coolpix P7000  
Coolpix P7000  
Coolpix P7000    
 Coolpix P7000  
Coolpix P7000   

Coolpix P7000

Coolpix P7000 

A few more photos from Leica:

Mimes on the street 5.6/200
Retro trolleybus 5.6/200

Place where Putin works at night )) - Kremlin  2/20

Mimes on the street again 5.6/200

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